Call anywhere in the U.S. and Canada for one low monthly price!
Just $14.95/month
If you have a broadband internet connection, we can provide you with clear, reliable phone service for less than a traditional provider. Just connect the adapter that we send you to your internet and to your phone and you're ready to make and receive calls!
If you currently have working phone service, we can convert your number to our service
If you have a broadband internet connection, you can use our unlimited home phone service anywhere in the USA and Canada!
Alabama | Louisiana | Ohio |
Alaska | Maine | Oklahoma |
Arizona | Maryland | Oregon |
Arkansas | Massachusetts | Pennsylvania |
California | Michigan | Rhode Island |
Colorado | Minnesota | South Carolina |
Connecticut | Mississippi | South Dakota |
Delaware | Missouri | Tennessee |
Florida | Montana | Texas |
Georgia | Nebraska | Vermont |
Hawaii | Nevada | Virginia |
Idaho | New Hampshire | Washington |
Illinois | New Jersey | West Virginia |
Indiana | New Mexico | Wisconsin |
Iowa | New York | Wyoming |
Kansas | North Carolina | |
Kentucky | North Dakota |